15 October 2007


Weight: 155.8 lbs (yes, it's down again)
Mood: normal (still)
Medications: Follistim 200, Menopur 75

Had my first stimming ultrasound and first blood draw today. I still went to Spinning class knowing that Wendy likes to do strength training on Monday which is no bouncing around. I decided to shower at the gym before leaving. I was at RE's office 10 minutes early last time, so I figured 20 minutes later start time would get me clean and avoid rush hour traffic. At 8:10 am when I arrived I was 4th in line of what would be eventually 6 people.

That tacked another 40 minutes onto my wait. It seems that my RE has interns/residents on rotation. There was a young doctor at our initial consult and a different one today driving my ultrasound. She was having a bit of a problem finding my ovaries. I have a retroverted uterus, which places the ovaries anterior and the uterus posterior along the spine. The RE got her redirected and started the counting and measuring. Looks like 4-5 on one side and 6 on another, nothing greater than 7mm.

The RE said I was being "pokey" in my response and asked if my period went later than normal. It had by a day. He remarked that I wasn't producing enough of my own estrogen and so he upped my Follistim. He then asked if the intern/resident could keep looking around. I must be a real sport; I could be one of those pelvic exam training coaches like I met at the NOW National Conference.

I have a "too tall for stirrups" problem, my feet rest on the top edge of the stirrup and the circulatioin gets cut off to my toes. I can see where in another few days this exam is going to get painful because I have to have my legs at such a severe angle to be far enough down for the exam. I haven't been having any real pain, but I can see this is gonna get uncomforatable pretty soon.

After ultrasound was the dreaded blood draw. My usual nurse brings me into the cubby and I promptly inform her that I need to lay down. So she drags me off to the surgery suite for my blood draw. I tell her to go for the hand, so she chooses a likely spot, but further down my hand than I am used to. She wasn't getting good flow, and needed 3 full vials. I could feel the needle hitting the back of my vein along the tendon and broke out into a sweat and got a bit loopey. She gave up at that point, hoping that it would be enough.

I asked her about my loss of appetite. She said usually the meds make you hungry because any nausea is overcome by the extra B6/B12 in the prenatels and most people stress out and eat. That made sense in my case then because I am not taking extra B6/B12. She took my blood down to the lab who sent her back for more. *sigh*

We tried in the arm the second time. Much better success. I speculated that we stopped taking blood from my arm about the time I was hitting my max weight. She said extra "andropose" causes problems with blood draws. I hope we can go back the the arm veins, it went so much better. Ending up taking out 4 1/2 vials total and I hit the granola bar and red pear I had in my purse like a women possessed on the way out.

So they've upped my Follistim to 200 units. She said they'd call only if there was something wrong in the bloodwork and that I need to go back on Thursday and Saturday. I'm really glad I have been using the entire Follistim cartridge, because with the increase I only have another 6 days worth.

I'm not feeling too hot at the moment. I started feeling weird at today's injection. Late afternoon seems to be the worst for me. It's like the blood pools in my gut after sitting all day and going home and starting chores is uncomforatable. I was actually leaning on the shopping cart at Meijer today because standing straight was uncomforatable. I'm hoping a bath tonight will soften some of these bean bags in my pelvis.

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