10 October 2007

Busy Day with Tomatoes & Sharp Things

Weight: 158.8
Mood: Pumped
Medication: 2mg Estrace morning, 150 Follistim, 75 Menopur in evening

I got up at 4:50 when I couldn't sleep anymore, took my Estrace, dressed, packed my meds, ate a larger than normal breakfast and went to the gym for Spinning Class. I ate the large breakfast in anticipation of a blood draw at my first visit. Spinning class took forever, it's hard to zone out when you have "brain like squirrel".

I dashed out of Spinning class and had to drive in rush hour traffic up to Grand Rapids; East Beltline no less. I left the gym at 6:50 and arrived at Spectrum at 7:40, brushed my hair, ate and apple and hucked my big box o' meds up to the third floor. I was the first one there; actually I was the only one there. Dr. Daly breezed in at about 7:55, grabbed my chart and we where off and running. After a quicky ultrasound to discover I have about half a dozen proto-incipient follicles on the right and another slightly larger batch of proto-incipient follicles on the left, he released me to the nurse for my injection lessons.

The Nurse sat down and started writing out my instructions as I gazed out the window. The sun had come up to mostly overcast skies, but a break in the clouds had provided the opening and the dark, ominous clouds where the back drop for a very nice rainbow *good omen*. I had spent some time up on You Tube looking at injection lessons, so I had some knowledge going into the meeting. I didn't feel like a total dork and all of my meds looked to be in order. She also gave me the paperwork necessary for embroyo donation. It's a requirement at this office unless you personally check your embies out and destroy them yourself. I had to fill out a form for our general apperance and ethnic background.

Me - 5'11" 158lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, fair complexion, English/German
DH - 6'5" 175lbs, dk blond hair, blue eyes, fair complexion, Polish/German

The ladies took my $7125 cashier's check while I grabbed some salt water taffy from their candy bowl and I was off again. Time: 8:30!

The drive back home was a fraction of the drive up to GR. I stopped at the farmer's market lookin for some tomatoes and ended up playing u-pick while a hayride full of elementary students drove by. The owner only charged me $4 for these late season Romas. I had to stop back home to put groceries away and rechill my meds and I was to work by 10:30.

Just before noon, I finally cornered my boss. I told him that I'd be out on and off for the next two weeks because Jeff and I where doing IVF to get pregnant. He broke out in an ear to ear smile and said congrats and good luck. I told him that he was only the third person to know and not to tell anyone and he said actually he couldn't because of HIPAA. I decided to tell him first rather then our office manager, Missey, because I though it would be bad form to tell a non-department co-worker before my boss. I actually wanted to tell Missey and Debbie, but with Debbie off on family medical leave, I'll wait till she stops in to visit.

So today I start my injectables! I have plenty of saggy belly to jab stuff into and the nerve endings are spread out over a larger area then a "never been fat" girl. It was so much easier then I expected and compared to the hot pepper fumes I was inhaling in as I cut up peppers for salsa, much more pleasant. We'll see tomorrow if I have any brusing or welts or soreness, but 45 minutes after the injections there is nothing noticable.

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